- Jennifer
Hi, Jennifer, we can use WScript.Shell to run a shell command to achieve this. Suppose the IIS have the access right for ping.exe which is located at system32 path inside windows. You can use the following VBScript by setting the id as a parameter to the destinated computer:
url = Trim(Request("ip"))
if url<>"" Then
Set objWShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objCmd = objWShell.Exec("ping " & url)
strPResult = objCmd.StdOut.Readall()
set objCmd = nothing: Set objWShell = nothing
strStatus = "offline"
if InStr(strPResult,"TTL=")>0 then strStatus = "online"
response.write strStatus
End If
Thanks for the information about the ip address.I know my ip address from the site www.ip-details.comFrom Yours I learned the different information.Thank U.
nivetha, you are welcome.
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